My philosophy
Language is the means with which people understand their environment and their own selves in it. Dependent on the professional and cultural background of the language user, the same, but not identical notions of an understanding are imagined. The challenge in the translation is recognising these notions in the one language and transforming them into the other language.
architextura sees translating as a kind of design process – first the desires and needs of the client are analysed and then there’s a creative search for the best solution. That’s why, at the start of every translation, architextura first carries out a thorough analysis of the source text, which forms the basis for seeking the most appropriate wording and the most effective formulations in the target text. This method of translation not only calls for a perfect linguistic knowledge and having a feeling for language, but also a great deal of creativity.
When translating, architextura simultaneously strives for the simplest and the most elegant formulation, because architextura considers pure and minimalist solutions as being the most convincing in terms of translations as well as in architecture.
My background
- Study programme Building and Architecture at the University of Technology Vienna (A), at the University of Portsmouth (UK), and at the University of Technology Delft (NL)
- Postgraduate study Solararchitektur at the Danube University Krems (A)
- Worked as a designer at various architect agencies in Austria, Brazil and the Netherlands
- Study programme German translator at the Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen (College for Interpreters and Translators) in Utrecht (NL)
- Since 2005 – freelance translator specialising in Building and Architecture
- Latin American Studies (Portuguese) at Leiden University